Round Table Projects: Methodology
and coordination projects
Center for Orthodox Education in Russia
Service for Orthodox Pre-school Education
Center for Orthodox Education in Russia
THE PROBLEM: Today we can already speak
about the emergence of a system of Christian education in Russia. The rapid
development of a network of Orthodox educational institutions has often
been far ahead of the development of curricula in primary and secondary
Orthodox schools. Many educators do not know what is to be taught and in
what forms. This is especially true for humanitarian and natural science
disciplines and courses. The need has become ever more urgent for information
about guides, statistics and methodologies. The growing flow of information
has to be systematized and communicated through ecclesiastical, national
and international channels.
The aim of the project:
to build an information service for educational work in the Russian
Orthodox Church
The Center is engaged
in compiling information from dioceses in order to create church-wide data
bases on the following three subjects:
Orthodox educational institutions;
Orthodox educators, scholars and specialists;
Bibliography of Orthodox literature and methodological resources.
At present the project commands information on 657 educational organizations
and 600 specialists. The Center has regularly up-dated its data banks.
With the support of the church authorities, the Center has initiated departments
of religious education in each diocese to supervise over the entire religious
educational activity on the local level.
Center has set up a telephone inquiry office. It has issued a bimonthly
Information Letter on Orthodox education in Russia. It has also issued
information sheets with surveys on pedagogical books, articles and reference
publications reviewing the best pedagogical works on Orthodox education.
The Center has a methodology information desk. It consults 7-10 people
a week. It gives visitors a choice of 200 individual teachers' programs
be adapted and tested, as well as methods of teaching various subjects
and materials preparing a teacher for lessons. This desk is a unique center
in the Russian Orthodox Church which compiles educational and methodological
resources to be then systematized, edited and communicated.
The Center has maintained close cooperation with the Russian State Library
to publish together a catalogue of Russian Orthodox religious authors of
the 19th century. It has begun work to set up methodological desks in dioceses.
It has held catechetical issue seminars twice a month. Slavonic Language
teachers have gathered once a week, while catechists in junior classes
once a month. Some 120 teachers have participated in these seminars on
a regular basis. The Center will soon open a seminar for natural sciences
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Consulting Service
for Orthodox Pre-school Education
THE PROBLEM: The last three years have
seen a rapid emergence of Orthodox kindergartens. They have been opened
at churches, parishes, brotherhoods and in state pre-school institutions.
At present there are over 72 Orthodox kindergartens in Russia. These newly
opened kindergartens are standing in a great need of methodological information
and coordination.
The aim of the project:
to develop a methodological support for Orthodox pre-school education.
methodological office for Orthodox pre-school education was set up under
the project at Kindergarten No. 1525 in 1992 in Moscow. It was provide
with all the necessary equipment and qualified staff.
The Methodological Office has the following functions:
to study, summarize and spread the experience gained by Orthodox pre-school
to organize advanced courses for personnel working at Orthodox kindergartens
and groups;
to hold seminars, consultations, open-door days and other forms of methodological
work with pre-school teachers;
to work out and publish legal, methodological and practical materials for
kindergarten personnel.
The office has worked out a package of legal documents regulating the activity
of Orthodox pre-school institutions. It has also developed a draft Statute
of the Orthodox Kindergarten, a model fasting diet for pre-school institutions
and a curriculum for an advanced training course for Orthodox educators.
The Center is working out programs of religious, aesthetic and physical
development of children to serve as guides for those who work in kindergartens
and with groups. Working under the project, the Center has also developed
methodological recommendations for children's Christian education. A special
attention has been paid to the selection of materials for conducting church
celebrations at kindergartens. In cooperation with the Institute of Pedagogical
Advanced Studies at the Russian Ministry of Education, the Center conducted
advanced training courses for kindergarten teachers from various regions
in Russia. It also held seminars for leaders, educators and catechists
from various dioceses in Russia. The methodological office has held weekly
consultations for all kinds of personnel working at pre-school institutions.
In total there have been over 100 consultations of this kind. The methodological
office is also working to study, adapt and introduce the experience of
foreign pre-school Christian institutions in the USA, Germany and Czechia
and to translate works by foreign educators.
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